Common Questions & Answers

What does the Document Vault look like?

Once you have logged in as the administrator you can begin to upload documents by clicking on the folder icon for a specific client. You will be taken to the same space used for conferences, however, you do not need to activate a conference to work on files in your vault.



Points of Interest:

  1. Start - Press this to initiate a video conference. Press the three dots to hid the conferencing screen. If you want to change the video option, for example change it to full screen, change this setting under the Settings tab on the right.
    1. Once the video loads it will ask users to choose Allow on the Player Settings to seamlessly set up audio and video on their device.
    2. The Video Settings button launches a small screen where you can control your video and audio settings for the conference.
    3. Jump In allows users to join the conversation during larger conferences and webinars.
    4. Remember that the video screen settings can be changed under the Settings tab on the right. You can choose no video, 2-way, 4-way, 5-way and full screen. Up to ten people can participate in one conference and the video will rotate to the most current speaker (this number changes for webinars and special orders).
  2. Folder Management - Add folders to organize your documents in your room vault. Right click on any folder to expand options such as create sub-folders or change names.
  3. Document and Room Management - Choose to upload files, delete files, and set their privacy settings.
    1. In addition to uploading files you can also drag and drop them directly into the storage space from your desktop.
    2. Above the orange document choices you can also choose to Send an Invite, return to the Lobby or Logout.
  4. Documents - Guests will automatically see documents made accessible here.  Documents are private and not visible until the administrator chooses to share them.  Every guest can download and upload documents to this area as well.  They can also open documents from this area by clicking on the file image. Users can also right click on files to open more options.
  5. Side Tabs - These tabs extend out when clicked to provide more options while conferencing.
    1. Settings - This tab allows you to update the folder name and information, change the password, and set the video settings for the conference.
    2. Attending - This tab shows you who is present in the conference.
    3. Calendar - Quickly check your calendar for meetings and schedule future conference meetings by clicking on a specific date.
    4. Meeting Notes - Take notes during the meeting for your future reference. These are saved and can be reviewed while in the online conference room or the Lobby.
  6. View All Files - This bar helps you track your location when you navigate through your sub-folders.
  7. Chat - Use this icon to toggle chat on or off and engage in chat with guests.

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